
Movie zotz
Movie zotz

Kroner of his sanity, he brings his magic coin to the Pentagon. Jonathan's rival for the post of Dean of Languages, Horatio Kellgore, is quick to take advantage of the situation. Dean Updike suspects that Jonathan is in need of psychiatric treatment and arranges an appointment with Dr. His preoccupation with the coin brings about a number of unusual occurrences, one of which leads to meeting Virginia Fenster, a colleague of whom he becomes enamored. By pointing his index finger he can inflict pain by uttering the word "Zotz!" he can create slow motion and by employing both techniques at once he can cause death. Jonathan discovers that the coin holds magic powers for its bearer. Samm Deighan mentions the last two films in her 13 Frightened Girls commentary, and what she says about them has me dying to see them.Jonathan Jones, Professor of Ancient Eastern Languages at Saracen Valley College in California, lives with his niece, Cynthia, who receives an ancient coin from one of Jonathan's former students, now on an archeological dig. This third box should include Macabre, Castle’s first gimmick horror film from 1958 The House on Haunted Hill from 1959, my favorite Castle film (no need to include an inflatable skeleton so home viewers can re-enact Emergo!-if they’re buying this box, chances are they already OWN an inflatable skeleton) I Saw What you Did from 1965 and Let’s Kill Uncle from 1966.

movie zotz

ARE YOU LISTENING, POWERHOUSE GANG? We desperately need one more William Castle box set, with transfers and extras that are up to the high standards of the initial two sets. If the Strait-Jacket Region B situation is no impediment to your viewing, I urge you to seek out this set.Īlso, I implore Powerhouse to put together ONE MORE Castle box-we’ll call it William Castle: Alpha Omega. I really can’t remember the last time I had this much fun with a retrospective box set of a filmmaker’s work. What a life this obscure writer led! (I mean Russell, not Newman.) Kim Newman, who I was familiar with through his reviews at the late, lamented Video Watchdog magazine, gives a zesty talk on the career of Ray Russell (who wrote the screenplay of Zotz!) that could be the highlight of the entire box set. They both obviously love the films they are introducing and fill their short pieces with insight, affection, good humor, and FACTS. I have fallen in love with Stephen Laws and Jonathan Rigby because of their work on these Powerhouse special editions. What could possibly go wrong? Serious beheadings ensue. Upon release, she learns her daughter is about to wed a millionaire’s son.

movie zotz

Strait-Jacket stars Joan Crawford as Lucy Harbin, an axe-murderess who has just spent 20 years in the slammer. Car salesman Tom Penderel (Tom Poston) makes a delivery to the titular location and, because of a raging storm, is forced to stay the night. The Old Dark House, a co-production with England’s famous Hammer Films, also eschews Castle’s horror reputation in that it is, like Zotz!, a light comedy.

movie zotz movie zotz

13 Frightened Girls (though obviously given that title to exploit Castle’s horror film success) is not a horror film, but a Nancy Drew-like who-dunnit: ambassador’s daughter Candy Hull (Kathy Dunn) attempts to solve an international CIA mystery. Zotz! is the story of professor Jonathan Jones (Tom Poston), who discovers a magic coin that gives him the power to hurt people, kill people, and slow down time.

Movie zotz